Bottle Gourd also is known as Lauki is one of the healthiest vegetables for home gardening. Bottle Gourd plants require full sunlight and needs plenty of space to grow. Use using locally available material like pipes, bamboo, ropes, wires, etc. for your Bottle Gourd plant. Bottle gourd is extremely low in saturated fats and cholesterol and is rich in water and nutrients required to lose fat from the body.
Anyone can grow a container garden in their terrace or on a balcony. It is a very productive crop to grow. Tomatoes can be grown in the home garden using organic fertilizers. Tomato has health benefit for your family.
Tinda or apple gourd is a small vegetable that looks like a cross between a green apple and a pumpkin. It is available year-round with peak season in the spring.Tinda/apple gourd helps in maintaining digestive health by getting rid of gastric issues and constipation. Tinda/apple gourd Helps in weight loss as it has just 94% water.
Brinjal seedlings grow quickly, gaining size faster than tomatoes. Brinjal plants have a lifespan of almost 2-3 years. A brinjal plant can yield almost 4-5 brinjals in a season, or more. The main sowing being done during July to August.
Chillies plants are extremely simple to grow at home balcony, and don't require any expensive gardening equipment. A single plant can give you upto a hundred chillies. It is a perfect addition to the kitchen garden. It can be grown in containers and planters. Chilli are Loaded with dietary fiber, green chillies help in better digestion.
Lady’s Finger is commonly famous by the name Bhindi all over India. Lady Finger Seeds are produce an slim shape vegetables. It is cultivated all through the season in India. lady's-fingers or bhindi—is the most important vegetable crop. It is a very cheap vegetable and simply found green vegetable having great source of the vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers .It has all healthy nutrients required for the normal growth and development of the body.