/Refund And Cancellation Policy
Refund And Cancellation Policy 2024-05-31T12:14:27+00:00

Refund And Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation of orders will be considered only if the cancellation request is made within 24 hours of placing an order.
  • Any cancellation requests will not be entertained if the orders have been initiated to the processed and booked for shipping to your address, even though the cancellation request has fallen under 24 hours window.
  • All listed products sales are final, and the company does not offer any return for any purchase under any circumstances.
  • In “address not found” or “delivery attempted” cases no refund is allowed.
  • Weight of natural organic fertilizers products may vary a little bit. Net Weight at the time of packing will be considered.
  • Any social media posts with fabricated images or deliberate brand destruction efforts are punishable offenses.
  • Due to any reason, if a customer posts negative reviews on  social media or any other public place is a punishable offense on the cost of reputation.

How do I cancel my order?

  • If unfortunately you have to cancel an order, please do so within 24 hours of placing the order. For cancellations before the order has been shipped, we will refund the entire amount.
  • To cancel order go to my account>orders then tab on order you wish to cancel. Click on cancel button to send cancel request.

How do I receive my refund (T&C apply)?

Refunds will be made in the same form that the payment is received in, within 10 working days from the date of cancellation of order. For example, if you have paid through your credit card, the amount will be refunded back to your credit card. Please allow a maximum of 10 working days for the bank transfer process to go through.

Return Creation, Eligibility:

  • Customers can return only wrong delivered items/orders within three days of the delivery of an order.
  • Customers can create a return wrong delivered request by contacting customer support email or whatsaap number+91-9425074100. All the details required by the customer support should be provided for a return request to be created successfully.

When are returns not possible?

There are certain scenarios where it is difficult for us to support returns:

  • Return request is made outside the specified time frame(3days).
  • Size of product packing may be described in product details. This can vary slightly. A return won’t be allowed due to such size issues.
  • Product is damaged because of use.
  • Any consumable item which has been used or installed.
  • Products with tampered or missing serial numbers.
  • Anything missing from the package you’ve received including price tags, labels, original packing, freebies and accessories.
  • Products with hand written slips courier/shipment slips.